Saturday, November 15, 2014

Swachchta is beyond Photo Ops

To my mind, Swachch Bharat abhiyan has thrown some distinct features till now. It created a mega impact as it was launched on the birth day of the Mahatma triggering both political and apolitical discussion. The fact that the most popular PM Modi himself launching it, has taken it to masses. PM pitching his pitch for swachch bharat at Madison square has taken it to international level while providing a clip for advertisement for the campaign. But the act has to happen in India. Next notable trend in the abhiyan is nominating celebrities by Modi after conducting cleanliness and requesting them to nominate nine more. This chain has to continue keeping the tempo undying. Another feature of this campaign, which is rather disturbing, is that some instances have been reported of fake cleanliness campaign for posing for the media. This kind of farce raises doubt about all such efforts weakening the entire abhiyan and wrecking it from within.

Any such movement in these days of media focus will start with photo ops (video ops). Many end there. Many continue to be photo ops. But swachh bharat abhiyan shall go beyond it. Swachh Bharat has quickly crossed its first phase of photo ops. Actual and serious work is supposed to start now. It shall be a real national movement. It has to reach the proportions of second freedom movement. PM Modi often repeats that development shall become a mass movement like fight for freedom. Whatever one does shall feel that they are doing for the nation. Similarly, Swachchata abhiyan shall become everyone’s agenda.

Schools-swachchta is not an ideal:
In schools cleanliness must become part of curriculum. Swachchta needs to start from teachers. They have to talk about cleanliness more often not just as an ideal but as a practical problem of day to day life. More and more activities within schools, and outside schools as part of SUPW classes involving students be designed on the concept of cleanliness like anti-littering, cleaning hands before meal, no-spitting in public spaces, create awareness in their own colonies etc. Children are the harbingers of change. Deep rooted habit formation is very much essential as they grow with it. If children act, elders cannot neglect.

Offices- improve ethical behavior:
In offices, cleanliness shall become part and parcel of office work. A recent study published in Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes indicates that cleanliness will help people return to ethical behavior. Ethical behavior means the concept of right and wrong. The study indicated that if a workplace is spic and span, it is likely that the staff would not cheat but cooperate with each other. Therefore, in the interest of productivity, all work places especially those of government shall be maintained spic and span.

Religion-Swachch tenet
Religious places are vital for making swachh campaign a success. Every religion endorses cleanliness but many of the pilgrim places are filled with litter and filth. In fact Cleanliness is next to Godliness. One reason for this unclean pilgrim centers could be crowds. But main reason is behavior of the crowd.Remedy is  that religious leaders shall be involved in spreading message of cleanliness linking it to religious tenets. Every religious place shall take this campaign seriously and display boards linking their own religious concepts, practices and beliefs to cleanliness.In every religious discourse, swachchta may be stressed upon. It shall be elevated to the level of being underlying concept of every religious practice. Without cleanliness there is no Godliness.  

Cell phones-its not ops but apps
Cell phone apps too can play a major role in making cleanliness a deep rooted habit. An app can be produced which reminds the user at regular frequency to maintain cleanliness in his/her behavior say not to litter, not to spit in public spaces. Cell phone ring tones can be made requesting "please don’t spit on roads today". "Pleas don’t throw litter today". 

Public transport-railways
Railway is a major culprit as far as cleanliness in concerned. Every one knows the level of littering along the tracks thrown by the passengers travelling. It is an eyesore. Pathetic to say the least. The rail toilets are moving open defecation machines spreading the shit along the track covering entire country. Some serious steps and campaign is required. In the present cash crunch scenario for Railways it would be an uphill task. But cleanliness shall be kept beyond the profit of the railways. If required railway may charge a litter tax from the passengers and the money generated shall be strictly utilized for cleaning the tracks, proliferating bio toilets. Hope the new minister will spare some time on this serious issue.

Clean more to protest more:
Cleanliness movement can be taken to next level by various pressure groups that are engaged in various activities. In all their activities, cleanliness be made a part and parcel not as a separate activity which will just end up with few photo ops. For example, women rights activists, child rights activists, human rights activists, various labor unions, and student unions in colleges/schools associations can make cleanliness drive as a continuous and sustained movement. Cleanliness can be a way of protest. Clean more to protest more. What ever public activity they undertake like some public meetings, protests, in all such activities,swachchta shall become the basic ingredient.

Political rallies are major culprits spreading litter. All political parties shall vow to clean the area after the meet.Without undertaking cleanliness activity in the mohalla, no voter shall encourage a political leader to enter the mohalla. This can be immediately implemented during Delhi Elections. 

Swachch Municipalities:
The most important role is of municipalities. Any number of cleanliness campaigns will not be sufficient to keep the country clean if the Municipalities are not working proper. The administration shall unleash all its energies in making the sanitation wings of municipalities work properly.

Tax incentives:
The tax department of GOI shall come up with innovative tax relief proposals that can trigger cleanliness drive.

Private Swachchta:
Private sector plays a major role in bringing new technologies, making existing technologies affordable that are used in cleanliness activities, like cleaning machines, garbage handling trucks, garbage disposal technologies, garbage conversion technologies into power, recycling technologies etc.Huge garbage dumping yards cannot be managed not to speak of elimination unless effiecient and affordable technologies are developed for tackling the issue. Central government should come up with suitable PPP projects and tax incentives in this regard.

Media Campaign:
Finally, the most important part is to be played by the media. Media shall not be limited to broadcasting just advertisements of cleanliness campaign and showing some political news on this subject. The need of the hour is to bring out real stories of efforts made by various groups discussed above and highlighting them to encouraging them. Media has to make more programmes to spread awareness by glorifying the swachchta as a concept. Sky is the limit for social media in spreading the awareness, sharing true stories, campaigning with the children and other pressure groups.

Swachchta shall engulf every walk of life. It shall go to the level of madness. Either at early morning walk or at the time of philosophical discussion at a small temple or a lunch break discussion in offices, SWACHCHTA shall occupy the minds of the people.  

Let us ….you and I … pledge today not to litter, not to spit on roads, not to spoil public spaces and to undertake Swachchta Abhiyan as frequently as possible either in our colony or in our schools or in our offices.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Swachch Bharat Cartoons

Here are some collection of cartoons on Swachch Bharat from the internet.

Dainik Bhaskar
 The Hindu

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Dear Noble Satyarthi Sir, 

You have made every Indian proud … every human being proud…  every child happy and hopeful. Your  love for children and your noble fight for their rights got Nobel recognition. Its a great moment in the history of Nobel prize that Child rights are considered key requirement for maintaining global peace. Peace just does not mean no war. Peace means much more. Equal rights opportunities for every individual is possible only when peace prevails. Peace means rights and opportunities. Peace means lack of oppression, lack of deprivation. Malala rightly said in her interview after winning Noble Prize that her father did not clip her wings which encouraged her to fly. This freedom, this opportunity, this right is the essence of peace. 

Of all human beings children are defenseless, dependent and innocent. Ensuring basic minimum rights and opportunities to live and live with dignity to them is the utmost testimony of a peaceful world. Peace has no meaning when billions of chidden are languishing in quarries,factories,in begging and such other highly exploitative conditions. Your Crusade your vision,dream and your selfless dedication are all for preserving this peace in society. We the Indians, We the human beings of the world salute you sir for this recognition. 

This Nobel Prize is the beginning of a new phase in your relentless fight for cause of children. This shall bring more strength and more power to you as it encourages lakhs of others to join you in your mission.  

In the backdrop of swachch bharat abhiyan, your message is loud and clear. Swachchta does not just mean cleanliness outside. Clean hearts, hearts that have kindness, hearts that consider it is our duty to take care of child rights only complete the Swachchta. Your fight for child rights shall encourage India to fight for basic right of girl child to have toilets in schools to encourage them not to drop out of schools. In achieving this cause your inspiration your dedication will guide us all.

Must read posts:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Littering is so common in India that nobody thinks about it. While throwing litter on streets and in public places there is no second thought in many of our minds. It is a given. It is birth right for many of us. For those who are conscious, enough dustbins are not available in public places to place the litter. Finally litter attracts litter. 

To bring both these aspects together i.e., to discourage littering and to provide enough infrastructure for collecting/managing litter, policy intervention is required. Such a policy shall both discourage littering and facilitate litter management. TAX ON LITTER will serve both these purposes. 

Tax on litter can be two pronged. One, on all citizens as a general tax. The logic behind this is :  each and every citizen at some point in time causes littering in public spaces. To achieve litter free streets regular investment is required. To enjoy litter-free public spaces, one need to pay in terms of Litter tax. Another is taxing those manufacturers, service providers who generate litter-able packaging. This may discourage them from litter-able packaging and encourage moving towards bio degradable packaging. Even bio degradable packaging also requires removal and management. Therefore litter tax on those manufacturers would generate enough funds for this purpose. 

Litter control tax or fee is not a new concept. Washington State, State of Virginia, State of New Jersey in US, Ireland in Europe have implemented tax/fee on litter. Mainly, categories like food for human or pet consumption, groceries, cigarettes and tobacco products, soft drinks and carbonated beverages,beer and other malt beverages,wine, newspapers and magazines, household paper and paper products,glass containers,metal containers, plastic or fiber containers made of synthetic material,cleaning agents and toiletries,non-drug drugstore sundry items etc have been under this tax. In India, in addition, ghutka packaging, snacks packaging like that of bhujia etc can also be added. 

There is a debate on whether such a tax on litter is good economics or not. Whatever it is, in India, such a tax is necessary at least to raise funds to take care of health issues of rag pickers. 

In next post we will address issues related to rag pickers. 

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Must read
Noble dream

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Let the war on cleanliness begin today. 

Let Mahatma's memory lead our country in our noble effort to realize SWACHCH BHARAT.

Let us take a pledge that individually we will not litter in public spaces spit on roads

Let us Breathe clean Eat Clean and Live Clean

Let us gift a true SWACHCH BHARAT to our next generations. 

Jai Hind Jai Swachch Bharat 

Sunday, September 28, 2014



It is nice to learn that PM Narendra Modi has enthused all the Ministries and Ministers to take a broom and clean. During his first three months one of the significant step was taming the babus … making them to attend office in time and to clean the muck in their offices. Now the Ministries and  its babus  are out in open to clean the nation. We could see some photographs of high profile Ministers with a broom sending a significant message on cleanliness. The atma of the Mahatma must be feeling happy for the importance being given to Swachchta.  

There is no department that is not linked to cleanliness. Public service departments like Railways, Road transport, Tourism,Health and Sanitation are directly linked to cleanliness in public spaces. Rural Development ministry shall take care of toilet needs of rural population and Urban Development ministry shall focus on slums development and public toilets. Commerce and Industry shall woo the business to invest/support cleanliness drive. Though each department has something to do, a synergy is required to bring them together.  Hope is that Swachch Bharat Abhiyan shall fulfill such requirement.

Railways is one organization which serves the nation incessantly 24x7 all 365 days.News reports indicate that on almost all stations and platforms of railways are going to be cleaned on 2nd October involving lakhs of employees and babus.  Stations and platforms becoming litter free would be a dream come true. Let us hope it is realized.

Cleaning stations and premises is only half of the story. Major cleanliness hazard related to Trains is visiting toilets in trains. If you visit a toilet in train it is as good as you enacting open defecation. Train toilets are toilets on move spreading open defecation to all nukes and corners of India running across thousands of kilometers of railway network. When the country is worried about rural India not having toilets there is some thing more serious to worry TRAINS CARRYING OPEN TOILETS ACROSS THE NATION.  There are sporadic reports that railways is contemplating bio toilets. Hope such a project comes to reality at least in five year long swachch bharat abhiyan approved by the Cabinet.