Friday, September 19, 2014


    Reduce Reuse and Recycle is the mantra for SWM (Solid Waste Management). Rules exist in India but implementation is weak says World Bank. Don’t we know? Somebody has to say it?

  In SWM, major responsibility is of municipalities. We know how they function and how effective are they. Next is role of individuals.We can reduce reuse and recycle. 

Some ideas for individuals: 
  • Buy used. May be on
  • Use reusable than disposable. Take your own tumbler to office instead of using disposable glasses (make a habit of cleaning it for yourself). Take your water on travel. 
  • Reuse one side papers.
  • Rent things used infrequently
  • Donate. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
  • Awareness. 
  • Pressure groups to make municipalities to act
  • Make your own colony a model colony on SWM
  • Give away your waste and get a tree. 
But role of individuals though important in habit making, awareness cannot go a long way without corporate world thinking on these lines

Some ideas for corporate world

  • Innovate to reduce solid waste. Example recycle friendly packing. Minimal packing. 
  • Invest in recycling technologies for garbage to energy, garbage to reusable products. 
  • Declare a prize for SWM research and executable ideas. 


  • Please add your ideas

RAHGIRI DAY Route to Swachch Bharat

   Any movement to succeed,it needs voluntary public participation. People shall feel it as their own. Recent example is the way Raahgiriday going viral in Delhi's Connaught Place with a slogan "apni raahen apni azaadi".

Rahgiriday as a concept is best explained in its website "Raahgiri Day is India's first sustained car-free citizen initiative that started in Gurgaon on Nov 17.2015. Its participants have played a major role in making this movement nationally and internationally acclaimed. Rahgiriday recently won the early-bird prize for UL and Ashoka Changemakers: safe roads, safer India competion and was selected as one of six most innovative solutions in addressing road safety".

    Participants in raahgiriday are from all walks of life. Yoga lovers, aerobics lovers, live sketchers, skaters,cyclists, joggers, dancers, street players, drummers, children, foreigners … you name and you have all making CP roads coming to life. Its all around enthusiasm, enterprise,energy and ecstasy.

    For Swachch Bharat to become a reality, raahgiriday can be a  great beginning. Raahgiriday can take up the cause of Swachch Bharat along with the cause of safe roads. Awareness campaign on cleanliness with volunteered action can become integral part of Rahgiriday. 

Raahgiriday- safe roads safe India
Raahgiriday -clean roads cleaner India

apni raahen apni swachchta...
Swachch Raahgiriday !!!

Let us sincerely hope raahgiriday organizers would certainly take note of it. They can rope in companies in the business of cleanliness to participate in rahgiriday. 