Saturday, October 11, 2014


Dear Noble Satyarthi Sir, 

You have made every Indian proud … every human being proud…  every child happy and hopeful. Your  love for children and your noble fight for their rights got Nobel recognition. Its a great moment in the history of Nobel prize that Child rights are considered key requirement for maintaining global peace. Peace just does not mean no war. Peace means much more. Equal rights opportunities for every individual is possible only when peace prevails. Peace means rights and opportunities. Peace means lack of oppression, lack of deprivation. Malala rightly said in her interview after winning Noble Prize that her father did not clip her wings which encouraged her to fly. This freedom, this opportunity, this right is the essence of peace. 

Of all human beings children are defenseless, dependent and innocent. Ensuring basic minimum rights and opportunities to live and live with dignity to them is the utmost testimony of a peaceful world. Peace has no meaning when billions of chidden are languishing in quarries,factories,in begging and such other highly exploitative conditions. Your Crusade your vision,dream and your selfless dedication are all for preserving this peace in society. We the Indians, We the human beings of the world salute you sir for this recognition. 

This Nobel Prize is the beginning of a new phase in your relentless fight for cause of children. This shall bring more strength and more power to you as it encourages lakhs of others to join you in your mission.  

In the backdrop of swachch bharat abhiyan, your message is loud and clear. Swachchta does not just mean cleanliness outside. Clean hearts, hearts that have kindness, hearts that consider it is our duty to take care of child rights only complete the Swachchta. Your fight for child rights shall encourage India to fight for basic right of girl child to have toilets in schools to encourage them not to drop out of schools. In achieving this cause your inspiration your dedication will guide us all.

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