Friday, September 19, 2014


    Reduce Reuse and Recycle is the mantra for SWM (Solid Waste Management). Rules exist in India but implementation is weak says World Bank. Don’t we know? Somebody has to say it?

  In SWM, major responsibility is of municipalities. We know how they function and how effective are they. Next is role of individuals.We can reduce reuse and recycle. 

Some ideas for individuals: 
  • Buy used. May be on
  • Use reusable than disposable. Take your own tumbler to office instead of using disposable glasses (make a habit of cleaning it for yourself). Take your water on travel. 
  • Reuse one side papers.
  • Rent things used infrequently
  • Donate. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
  • Awareness. 
  • Pressure groups to make municipalities to act
  • Make your own colony a model colony on SWM
  • Give away your waste and get a tree. 
But role of individuals though important in habit making, awareness cannot go a long way without corporate world thinking on these lines

Some ideas for corporate world

  • Innovate to reduce solid waste. Example recycle friendly packing. Minimal packing. 
  • Invest in recycling technologies for garbage to energy, garbage to reusable products. 
  • Declare a prize for SWM research and executable ideas. 


  • Please add your ideas

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